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   dafec_c ( DAF extract comments ) 

   void dafec_c ( SpiceInt          handle,
                  SpiceInt          bufsiz,
                  SpiceInt          buffln,
                  SpiceInt        * n,
                  void            * buffer,
                  SpiceBoolean    * done    )


   Extract comments from the comment area of a binary DAF.






   --------  ---  --------------------------------------------------
    handle    I   Handle of binary DAF opened with read access.
    bufsiz    I   Maximum size, in lines, of buffer.
    buffln    I   Length of strings in output buffer.
    n         O   Number of extracted comment lines.
    buffer    O   Buffer where extracted comment lines are placed.
    done      O   Indicates whether all comments have been extracted.


   handle      is the file handle of a binary DAF which has been opened with
               read access.

   bufsiz      is the maximum number of comments that may be placed into
               buffer. This would typically be the declared array size for
               the Fortran character string array passed into this

   buffln      is the allowed length of each string element of the output
               buffer. This length must large enough to hold the longest
               output string plus the null terminator. The SPICE system
               imposes no limit on the length of comment lines, so `buffln'
               normally should be set to a "generous" value that is unlikely
               to be exceeded.


   n           is the number of comment lines extracted from the comment area
               of the binary DAF associated with `handle'.  `n' will be
               less than or equal to `bufsiz' on output.

   buffer      is an array containing comment lines read from the DAF
               associated with `handle'.  `buffer' should be declared

                  SpiceChar  buffer[bufsiz][buffln];

               On output, the first `n' strings of `buffer' will contain
               comment text, with one comment line per string.

   done        is a logical flag indicating whether or not all of the
               comment lines from the comment area of the DAF have
               been read. This variable has the value SPICETRUE after the
               last comment line has been read. It will have the value
               SPICEFALSE otherwise.

               If there are no comments in the comment area, this
               variable will have the value SPICETRUE.




   1)  If the size of the output line buffer is is not positive, the
       error SPICE(INVALIDARGUMENT) is signaled by a routine in the
       call tree of this routine.

   2)  If a comment line in a DAF is longer than the length of a
       character string array element of `buffer', the error
       SPICE(COMMENTTOOLONG) is signaled by a routine in the call
       tree of this routine.

   3)  If the end of the comments cannot be found, i.e., the end of
       comments marker is missing on the last comment record, the
       error SPICE(BADCOMMENTAREA) is signaled by a routine in the
       call tree of this routine.

   4)  If the number of comment characters scanned exceeds the number
       of comment characters computed, the error
       SPICE(BADCOMMENTAREA) is signaled by a routine in the call
       tree of this routine.

   5)  If the binary DAF attached to `handle' is not open for reading,
       an error is signaled by a routine in the call tree of this

   6)  If the `buffer' output string pointer is null, the error
       SPICE(NULLPOINTER) is signaled.

   7)  If the `buffer' output string has length less than two
       characters, the error SPICE(STRINGTOOSHORT) is signaled, since
       the output string is too short to contain one character of
       output data plus a null terminator.


   See argument `handle' in -Detailed_Input.


   A binary DAF contains an area which is reserved for storing
   annotations or descriptive textual information describing the data
   contained in a file. This area is referred to as the ``comment
   area'' of the file. The comment area of a DAF is a line
   oriented medium for storing textual information. The comment
   area preserves any leading or embedded white space in the line(s)
   of text which are stored, so that the appearance of the of
   information will be unchanged when it is retrieved (extracted) at
   some other time. Trailing blanks, however, are NOT preserved,
   due to the way that character strings are represented in
   standard Fortran 77.

   This routine will read the comments from the comment area of
   a binary DAF, placing them into a line buffer. If the line
   buffer is not large enough to hold the entire comment area,
   the portion read will be returned to the caller, and the DONE
   flag will be set to SPICEFALSE. This allows the comment area to be
   read in ``chunks,'' a buffer at a time. After all of the comment
   lines have been read, the `done' flag will be set to SPICETRUE.

   This routine can be used to ``simultaneously'' extract comments
   from the comment areas of multiple binary DAFs. See Example
   2 in the -Examples section.


   The numerical results shown for this example may differ across
   platforms. The results depend on the SPICE kernels used as
   input, the compiler and supporting libraries, and the machine
   specific arithmetic implementation.

   1) The following example will extract the entire comment area of a
      binary DAF, displaying the comments on the terminal screen.

      Example code begins here.

         Program dafec_ex1
      #include <stdio.h>
      #include "SpiceUsr.h"

      int main()
         #define FILSIZ          256
         #define LINLEN          1001
         #define BUFFSZ          25

         SpiceBoolean            done = SPICEFALSE;

         SpiceChar               daf    [FILSIZ];
         SpiceChar               buffer [BUFFSZ][LINLEN];

         SpiceInt                handle;
         SpiceInt                i;
         SpiceInt                n;

         prompt_c ( "Enter name of DAF > ", FILSIZ, daf );

         dafopr_c ( daf, &handle );

         while ( !done )
            dafec_c ( handle, BUFFSZ, LINLEN, &n, buffer, &done );

            for ( i = 0;  i < n;  i++ )
               printf ( "%s\n", buffer[i] );

         return ( 0 );

      When this program was executed on a Mac/Intel/cc/64-bit
      platform, using the SPK file named earthstns_itrf93_201023.bsp as
      input DAF file, the output was:

      Enter name of DAF > earthstns_itrf93_201023.bsp

         SPK for DSN Station Locations

         Original file name:                   earthstns_itrf93_201023.bsp
         Creation date:                        2020 October 28 12:30
         Created by:                           Nat Bachman  (NAIF/JPL)


         This file provides geocentric states---locations and velocities---f***
         set of DSN stations cited in the list below under "Position Data." ***
         position vectors point from the earth's barycenter to the stations.***
         velocities are estimates of the derivatives with respect to time of***
         vectors; in this file, velocities are constant. Station velocities ***
         magnitudes on the order of a few cm/year.

         The states in this file are given relative to the terrestrial refer***
         frame ITRF93.

         This SPK file has a companion file


         which differs from this one only in that it uses the reference
         frame alias 'EARTH_FIXED'. See the comment area of that file
         and the Frames Required Reading for details.

         Revision description

         This kernel contains data from a single, current source: [1].

         This kernel supersedes the kernels

            dss_53_prelim_itrf93_201018.bsp (data in this kernel are identical)
            dss_56_prelim_itrf93_201018.bsp (data in this kernel are improved)
            dss_35_36_prelim_itrf93_140620.bsp (data in this kernel are impr***

         The set of stations covered by this file has changed from that of t***


         as follows:

            Deleted stations (not present in current file):

               DSS-49 (alternate name for PARKES)
               DSS-64 (alternate name for DSS-65)

            Other deleted data:

               Position data for the old location of DSS-65 prior to 2005 Ju***
               TDB are no longer included. This file extrapolates current data
               backward in time for the entire time period covered by this f***
               The superseded file


               should be used to obtain the old location of DSS-65 for dates***
               to 2005 July 3 TDB.

            Added stations:


            Name transfers---name now refers to a new station:


         Planned updates

         Updates will be be made to keep this file in sync with updates to the
         source document [1].

         Values for DSS-53 are expected to be updated. Values for DSS-23 wil***
         added. There is no schedule for these changes at this time.


      Warning: incomplete output. Only 100 out of 532 lines have been
      provided. 12 lines extended past the right margin of the header
      and have been truncated. These lines are marked by "***" at the
      end of each line.


   1)  The comment area may consist only of printing ASCII
       characters, decimal values 32 - 126.

   2)  There is NO maximum length imposed on the significant portion
       of a text line that may be placed into the comment area of a
       DAF. The maximum length of a line stored in the comment area
       should be kept reasonable, so that they may be easily
       extracted. A good value for this would be 1000 characters, as
       this can easily accommodate ``screen width'' lines as well as
       long lines which may contain some other form of information.

   3)  This routine is only used to read records on environments
       whose characters are a single byte in size. Updates
       to this routine and routines in its call tree may be
       required to properly handle other cases.

   4)  This routine is intended to be used on DAF files whose comment
       area does not change while this routine is called to extract
       comments, between the start and end of the extraction process.
       If the comment area does change (gets updated, reduced,
       extended, or deleted) between calls to this routine on the
       same DAF file, the routine's outputs are undefined and
       subsequent calls to it are likely to trigger an exception.




   N.J. Bachman        (JPL)
   J. Diaz del Rio     (ODC Space)
   K.R. Gehringer      (JPL)


   -CSPICE Version 1.1.0, 25-NOV-2021 (JDR)

       Changed the input argument name "lenout" to "buffln" for
       consistency with other routines.

       Edited the header to comply with NAIF standard.
       Added example's solution and modified input kernel.

   -CSPICE Version 1.0.0, 16-NOV-2006 (NJB) (KRG)


   extract comments from a DAF

Link to routine dafec_c source file dafec_c.c

Fri Dec 31 18:41:03 2021